Leogano is a top performing bread and pastry manufacturer
Leogano Food Industries is a company based in the Philippines that specializes in the production and distribution of top-quality bread and pastry products. We have launched in 2019, but our wealth of experience spans decades, primarily through the founder, Mr. Nelson C. Ong, who has been in the baking industry for 30 years. We produce bread for well-known hotels and coffee shop chains, and also distribute bread pastries direct to consumers in Metro Manila through our growing network of dealers.
Our primary consultant,
Master Baker Tomohiro Nogami

Master Baker Tomohiro Nogami
Master Baker Tomohiro Nogami is a renowned Japanese Baker all over Asia! Known for being the “spike sell master”, people would queue in line for hours just for a taste of the breads that he bakes!
As the God Father of the Taiwan Baking Industry, Nogami is a consultant of prestigious baking institutes all across Asia.
Now, he’s here with us at Leogano as our Master Baker!
Renowned Japanese
Master Baker all over Asia
Previous Head Baker of a very
prestigious DONQ bakery of Japan
Owner and Operator of Boulangerie
Nogami and Melanger Bakery in Taiwan
Known as the Godfather of
Taiwan’s Baking industry
Consultant of prestigious institutions
in Beijing, Taiwan, and Malaysia.
Mentored and trained a number of award winning chefs in Taiwan who subsequently went on to win First place in World baking competitions.
Famous for being the “Spike Sell Master” wherein people would queue for hours just to grab a piece of bread right after baking.
Mentor and Trainor of the Taiwanese team that achieved worldwide recognition in winning the
Coupe Du Monde De La Boulangerie competition.